Set up your Google OAuth & Google One Tap for bitLogin
Krishna Hendra Wijaya
Last Update 4 个月前
Step 1:
Open Google Console and login with your google account (if asked).
Step 2:
Click on this button to open "Select Project" popup.
Step 3:
After "Select Project" popup is opened, click on "New Project" button.
Step 4.
Enter your project name and click "Create" button.
*parent organization field is optional, you can skip this.
Step 5:
Go to your newly created project by clicking notification icon button on the header and click on "Select Project" button
Step 6:
Click "APIs and services > Credentials"
Step 7:
Click on "Configure Consent Screen" button
Step 8:
Select "External" option and click on "Create" button
Step 9:
Fill in all required fields.
- App name: your app name
- App logo: your app logo
- User support email: for users to contact you with questions about their consent
- App domain: enter your website URL into “Application home page” field.
- Privacy policy link: enter your website’s privacy policy link.
- Term of service link: enter your website’s term of service link.
After you enter tos and privacy policy links, your domain will be auto-detected by google as a missing domain, click on "Add Domain" button and type your domain and click "Save and Continue" button to complete.
Step 10:
Next, click on "Add or remove access scopes" button
add the following scopes:
- …/auth/
- …/auth/userinfo.profile
- openid
scroll down and click "Update" button to save the changes
then click on "Save and Continue" button
Step 11:
Click "Save and Continue" button.
Step 12:
Navigate to "Credentials" and click on "Create Credentials" button
Step 13:
Click on "OAuth Client ID"
Step 14:
Select "Web applications" for application type
Step 15:
- Enter "https://<store-url>" for "Authorized JavaScript origins"
- Enter "https://<store-url>/pages/bitlogin-google-callback" for "Authorized redirect URIs"
Step 16:
Finally, copy Client Id (Client Key) and Client Secret and paste them to bitLogin Google Settings and click 'Save'
Step 17 (optional): Turn on Google One Tap
Faster, more secure login for your store (a login pop-up when user visit website)
Go to: and turn on Google One Tap
That's the end of the tutorial, if you need any help feel free to email us at [email protected].